Overcome the constant pressure to fragment and minimize themselves by helping them enhance their research and writing skills, identify empowered career paths, and engage in deep purpose-driven inquiries.

Maybe you feel forced to keep parts of you hidden, compartmentalized, or else your work and you won’t be accepted in your field/academia.
Or perhaps, you are drained from struggling with belongingness and impostor syndrome issues in academia.
Or, you feel unsure of what your researcher/scholar identity/voice is or if it is making a difference.
You’re probably nervous about taking risks, playing with new ideas and wonder if you could still get published and recognized for your work.
Or, you’re inundated by all the options in qualitative inquiry, and unsure about what is the best approach for your work.
I am here to say that you’re not alone. I have been in these exact positions, and I can help.
Download Dr. Kakali’s interdisciplinary list of journals friendly to qualitative research from her 20 years of academic experience.
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Meet Dr. Kakali Bhattacharya
Maybe you feel forced to keep parts of you hidden, compartmentalized, or else your work and you won’t be accepted in your field/academia.
Or perhaps, you are drained from struggling with belongingness and impostor syndrome issues in academia.
Or, you feel unsure of what your researcher/scholar identity/voice is or if it is making a difference.
You’re probably nervous about taking risks, playing with new ideas and wonder if you could still get published and recognized for your work.
Or, you’re inundated by all the options in qualitative inquiry, and unsure about what is the best approach for your work.
I am here to say that you’re not alone. I have been in these exact positions, and I can help.
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